The Craig’s Bed Mattress

The Craig’s Bed Mattress was designed specifically for the growing demand of shoppers wanting an alternative mattress shopping

The Craig's Bed Mattress

The Craig’s Bed Mattress Available Nation Wide

experience other than just visiting a store. (Developed by Craig’s Beds NYC )  We personally think that it is always best to  try out a mattress before purchasing especially for the sleepers who are very particular. That being said we certainly do understand the need of the customer that may not have the time to visit a store.

We studied the market and the growing demand

 We assessed the situation and developed our new mattress, The Craig’s Bed.   Similar to a company that we admire like  Apple, we watched, sat back and brought a product to market that we believe in.

The Craig's Bed Mattress

The Craig’s Bed Mattress Available Nation Wide

No we did not invent the mattress that can be compressed into a box, that product has been around for years.  What we did was simply make the mattress better than the others. We packed the mattress with quality materials and designed the comfort feel to satisfy the greatest range of customers.   We studied mattress constructions and quizzed our customers, 1000′s of them to find out exactly what they like in a mattress. We proudly developed a mattress that can satisfy the demands that our customers were looking for in a quality mattress.

Who are the ideal users of this mattress? 

Sleepers who sleep on their side back or stomach. The Craig’s Bed possesses qualities that can support most stomach sleepers while giving just the right

The Craig's Bed Mattress Is Now Available Nation Wide

The Craig’s Bed Mattress Is Now Available Nation Wide

amount of pressure relief for the most fickle side or back sleeper. 

You may be saying to yourself that you like a mattress that has a medium firm feel but is this still right for me? 

Ok, you should also like the feeling of having a mattress that does not have coils in it.  Twenty-five to Thirty percent of the customers today are buying all foam beds, that means that 75% are still buying more traditional mattresses. So make sure that you like the idea of having all foam. All foam mattresses are great for couples who wake up easily from their partner transferring motion to the other side of the mattress.  All foam mattresses virtually remove all motion transfer! Our bed actually has a supreme amount of bounce in it for this category and it is easy to move around in compared to other foam mattresses that the market has to offer.

Is this a good mattress for my guest room ?

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The Craig’s Bed Mattress Is Available Nation Wide

The answer is absolutely Yes! Why, well because the vast majority of the public enjoys a luxury firm feeling mattress. It is the most popular choice so The Craig’s Bed is going to satisfy the majority of your guests.  In addition if you should ever have a guest in your home that actually complains about your mattress I would seriously consider not inviting them over again :) In all seriousness The Craig’s Bed superior quality is designed to impress and should give your guests many years of joy and good times visiting your home.

How did we accomplish this?  We started with a top 1.5″ 22ILD  inch layer of  Natural Latex for supreme comfort and cooling.  The top latex layer makes The Craig’s Bed one of  the greenest mattresses of its kind. Our latex  is 100% naturally made from rubber trees, this is the only part of the bed that is not sourced in the U.S.A. but only because rubber trees are not native to the U.S.A.

Next we added 1.5 inches  of 4lb density of the most advanced quick recovery  gel memory foams the world has to offer today. Our Gel memory foam is certipur us approved and deemed safe for babies, adults, dogs etc. :) The Gel memory foam is placed below our all 100% Natural Later latex layer. The gel foam provides additional pressure relief and support to the body of the sleeper and at the

The Craig's Bed Is Now Available Nation Wide

The Craig’s Bed Is Now Available Nation Wide

same time draws heat away helping the sleeper achieve the deepest amount of uninterrupted sleep the mattress world can offer.

Lastly we use a 7″base layer of high density plant based poly foam with a density of 1.8lbs per cubic foot. Our base foam is certipur us approved and uses the highest percentage of plant based materials possible in it’s production.

The Craig’s Bed has a 10 year full warranty and a true 100 day comfort guarantee. It is available to be UPS shipped in a box nation wide and is available to be shipped flat in the NYC NJ area as well. If you have any question please call us at 1-877-411-2337 or email us at . We’ll be happy to answer your questions and help you figure out if you are a good candidate for this mattress.

Best Regards,

The Craig’s Bed Team